But, I will admit, I've never been a big fan of the melty drips all over everything, when you try to eat them outside, on a hot day.
So, I was pretty happy to find this recipe from recipesource.com, for dripless popsicles.
We didn't find them to be completely dripless, but we took one outside on an 85 degree Fahrenheit day, and it took 4 whole minutes, before we had our first drip. Even a slow popsicle eater, could probably slurp up a drip in that amount of time.
Dripless (or Slow to Drip) Popsicles
1 small package of Jello, any flavor (we used Raspberry)
1 package unsweetened Kool-Aid (we used Orange)
2/3 cup hot water
2 cups cold water
1 cup of sugar
Mix the Jello, Kool-Aid, and hot water together, until the gelatin is dissolved (we had some trouble getting the gelatin to dissolve, and that might be why we ended up with "slow to drip" instead of "dripless" popsicles). Stir in the cold water. Pour into popsicle molds, or an ice cube tray, as is advised by Time for Timer in the video above, and freeze for several hours.
Remove from the tray, and enjoy!
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Jello? Now, I'm curious to try this out. We have popsicle molds were too big so I got the jewel sized ones which are perfect because you can eat it quickly. In case of drop free, smaller the better!
Thank you for the tip. We will have to give it a try.
Your post sent me scrambling through the pantry- VICTORY!! we're mixing them up after breakfast to enjoy post-pool!
Interesting! I admit that I bought the popsicle molds that catch drips pretty well (and Anna gobbles them up quickly enough anyway) :)
We will definitely try this. Making popsicles is one of the things on our summer bucket list.
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