Between all the children, there have been a number of loose, and lost teeth already this summer. To commemorate some of the latest losses, and to keep the youngest two, who haven't lost any teeth yet, from freaking out, we checked out a number of loose tooth themed books at the library.
One of our favorites has been Lauren Child's Charlie and Lola, My wobbly tooth must not ever NEVER fall out.

We are big fans of Charlie and Lola already, more from the Disney Channel Show, than the books, but both are quite enjoyable. We like the mixed media illustrations, and of course, all the fun British words, like wobbling wobbly teeth, instead of wiggling loose ones. Although it did take us a minute to figure out that Charlie meant a soccer ball, when he said, "Once, I headed a football, and my wobbly tooth just flew out of my mouth!"
First, we cut, open mouth shapes, from unfolded cereal boxes.
We folded them in half, and drew on the gum lines, and tongues.
Then, we formed mini-marshmallows into incisors, canines, premolars, molars, and wisdom teeth, and glued them onto the cardboard.
We even took some time to do a little brushing practice.
But, after that, things got a little crazy, as the kids decided to use the marshmallows to fill in for their own missing teeth.
They ended up looking like strange versions of Nanny McPhee, who now that I think about it, is British too.
For more story stretching arts, and crafts, check out this week's stART (story + art) link-up at A Mommy's Adventures.
It's jolly good to be a homeschooler.
That is such a cute idea!
Holy Molar! That is a great dental craft. We have a Monkey Mouth play dough toy that my kids enjoy using in this same way. Never though of using marshmallows. My son goes to the dentist for the first time next week so I may have to steal this idea!
I LOVE this idea! SO cute and fun! Thanks for sharing it!
Too funny! They turned out really cute and a great project. I think we're close to needing these kinds of books too.
I will have to remember this book when Selena starts loosing her teeth. She already runs around and tells me my tooth is loose grandma! I love the picture of your son with the marshmellow covering up the empty spot where he lost his tooth!
I love the craft - thinking that maybe we can try to do the same, but using something edible to glue the teeth. This would give Anna a good opportunity to practice her dental skills :)
Well, they do say the Brits have some pretty tough teeth issues...
That last photo is so funny!! What a great idea -- Emily has her first VERY lose tooth right now. It will probably be gone any day now!
I am glad you had enough to make the mouths. My son would have eaten the marshmallows. The mouths are so much fun.
Such a cute idea! Love how you practiced brushing them LOL! And that last pic is great!
stopping by via stART!
That's a really fun idea. My kids love Charlie and Lola.
This is so cool. What a fabulous idea! We will so be doing some!
I like your photo of your son with the marshmallow tooth... and the relation to nanny mcphee!
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