The rules for accepting the award are kind of fun:
- Thank, and link the person who gave you the award.
- Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you've discovered, and think are fantastic.
- Contact your nominees, and let them know they've won.
- State seven things about yourself.
- I'm a Baptist-Mennonite, or would that be a Menno-Baptist? Either way, I'm a Bible believing, follower of Jesus.
- I have a bachelor of arts in international studies, focusing on German, and minoring in English literature, but I can barely read German anymore, much less speak it :(
- I worked as a medical software support tech/trainer, before quiting to stay home with the babies (although there was only one baby at the time).
- I'm the youngest of seven children.
- I've lived in Colorado, Oregon, Saskatchewan, and Montana.
- I have never been able to do a cartwheel.
- And, I haven't had a cup of coffee in a week!
And, as for my nominees...
Delightful Learning
Seizing My Day
The Fantastic Five
Scribbit - Motherhood in Alaska
And, I also received the Sunshine award, from Penniless Parenting, so thanks again!

The rules for the Sunshine award are the same as above, minus the the seven things about yourself, and instead of passing it on to 15 bloggers you've discovered, it's 12 who brighten your day.
Okay, so 12 more nominees coming up:
Our Turn To Dance
Simply Sweet Home
A Mommy's Blessings
Bitter Sweet
And thank you again to Penniless Parenting. and Bubbles, Balloons, and Blessings, I really appreciate it!
Thank you for sharing this warmth with me, it is lovely to meet you! : )
awww, thanks so much for my nomination!!! :) you're the sweetest!! (wait, no coffee in a week? I couldn't possibly function)
Thank you so much! That brightened my day! =)
Thank you so much! That's so nice of you!
Congratulations on your award - you totally deserve it. I hope that you will be able to relearn German with your kiddos.
First of all, congrats to you! =) And thank you for passing the Beautiful Blogger Award on to me! I really appreciate you thinking of me. =)
Thank you for the nomination! It's always fun visiting other homeschooling blogs and getting to know the people behind them. Thanks for visiting mine!
=D THANK YOU! =) That is really sweet of you and I appreciate it!
Congrats on your awards! : ) That's awesome! I love Not So Humble Pie. I ordered her Game Controller cookies for a party we had a couple of weeks ago. Not only did they look completely awesome, they tasted awesome too! : )
Hi. Thanks for the award and for the follow. I'm following you too.
Thank you! I finally figured out how to receive awards! I have a humble pie post to do with all the awards I have received from many wonderful bloggers I have met like you! ;) Blessings!
Just Jenn~
Oh, thank you so much! I love the many ideas I get from your blog! And I love the fact that people read my blog!
I SO ENJOYED learning a little more about you- NO WONDER you do all the cool stuff you do with your kiddos, Miss Smarty Pants!
(Oh, I almost forgot- THANK YOU for the award! I really do appreciate it!)
Cograts on the award!
I'm thinking through what a Baptist-Mennonite would believe...... Now I'm curious.
I too have mostly lost the languages I learned in school, the side effect of not really practicing.
And finally, CONGRATULATIONS on your awards.
Ticia- My father was an American Baptist pastor. My husband, and I met, in a Conservative Baptist church. We were married by Mennonite pastor, and then joined an Evangelical Bible Church (which is an Evangelical Mennonite Brethren church, in disguise). Our membership is still there, though we have moved quite a distance away, to a town without a similar church, and are now attending a Southern Baptist church.
Really, Baptist and Mennonite theology is very close.
So, saying I'm a Menno-Baptist, is a tongue in cheek way to say I've got a foot in both camps.
Thank you so much for the award!!!
Thanks so much for the sweet award! Really made my day. :D <3
Thank you for the award, I'm so flattered! :)
Thanks so much for making our day!
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