Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fancy Nancy Posh Puppy Story and Activities

We had a sort of spontanious stART (story + ART) project, last night. I was helping the older girls test out some recipes for their Easy Bake Oven (I hope to share about that, later today), and the little ones were growing restless. Since, they're becoming big Fancy Nancy fans, especially my 5 year old, who I have to say is the main Fancy Nancy of our family, I downloaded an audio version of Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy, from our library's electronic resource site (Montana Library 2 Go).

Again, to make up for the lack of illustrations, and to keep little hands busy, while I was occupied with the older girls, I turned to the printable activity sheets from Harper Collins. For The Posh Puppy, there are not only coloring sheets, but story sequencing worksheets, a dot-to-dot, a maze, a story starter, and even a make your own bracelet craft.

Apparently this appealed to everybody, minus my oldest. But then, a 12 year old boy couldn't be expected to enjoy a Fancy Nancy fest. My younger son, though, was happy to snatch the maze, and dot-to-dot, and work away. It's not often that so many of them gather enthusiastically around one story, or project.

It appealed to the younger girls, because it was a Fancy Nancy story, and because I let them use the glitter paint on their bracelets.

It appealed to the older girls, because they've recently started walking our elderly neighbor's dog - so a story about a posh puppy was right up their alley. They moved back and forth, between their own project, and joining in with their younger siblings.

I'm not sure what the appeal was for my seven year old, but the boys have been in such an anti-craft phase lately, that I was just happy to have him join in.

For more story stretching arts and crafts, don't miss this week's stART link up, at A Mommy's Adventures.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


Unknown said...

Ahhhh- I keep forgetting about the Fancy Nancy activities that are free from the publisher...I NEED to get on that...right now...

Oh, before I leave, I want you to know, again, how AMAZINGLY FAN-TABULOUS I think you are! (I do believe Miss Fancy Nancy would appreciate my choice of lingo...

Ticia said...

I'm really jealous of your library's download section. As far as I know ours doesn't have that.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

How fun that almost everyone joined in. I like the puppy drawing, and those bracelets look very cute.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Ticia - You should ask at your library, I've noticed several other states have library 2 go's - it is a great resource!

Wonder Mom - Merci beaucoup - that's French for thank you very much! :)

sbswtp said...

How fun that almost everyone did this activity! I really need to look into these Fancy Nancy books...

Debbie said...

This reminds me we got a Fancy Nancy book in our lovely gifts recently, I need to go pull it out and read it to Selena.

I need to see if our library has the download section. I have never heard of it before.

Brimful Curiosities said...

Ooh, what a coincidence. We read Fancy Nancy: Poet Extraordinaire! last night. Really fun book perfect for National Poetry Month. I wonder if they have online resources to go with that one? Now I'm going to have to check.

As far as library offerings, we can access Tumblebooks through our library. Super neat-- you can both listen to and see the illustrations to the books online.

Anonymous said...

so lovely that (almost) the whole brood go involved! must be quite a challenge to find something that suits all!! Lovely. Love the doggy portrait! Fabulous.

Fun Frugal Mommy said...

Looks like your kids had fun. How neat that almost everyone participated. : )

Anonymous said...

They look so into the project.

Michelle said...

I love Fancy Nancy, and Emily would love one about a dog too! We will have to check it out. All the projects look like they were a lot of fun. Glitter Bracelets would have to be my favorite :0)

Thank you for linking to stART!!

Leah Courtney said...

I love those activity sheets! My two little girls love the Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy book. We just checked it out from the library. They will love those worksheets!