Thursday, April 22, 2010

Not So Grouchy, Ladybug Cookies

We spotted our first ladybug of the season, yesterday. Forget about spring - here comes summer!

The girls weren't too sure about it at first, but gradually warmed to the idea of it being a good bug.

In the evening, to celebrate our sighting, we made a batch of ladybug cookies, a repeat idea from last summer (with inspiration from Gretchen's Cookbook). Again, it's just sugar cookie dough, divided, with 3/4 of the dough colored red (ours is more of a bright pink, because red takes a lot of food coloring to achieve), and 1 tablespoon of baker's cocoa added to the rest.

The girls helped make large (2 in) balls of red for the bodies, and smaller balls of chocolate dough , for the heads, watching each other closely to keep the sizes right.

We pressed them together, on a greased cookie sheet, and I made a slit in the backs, for wings.

Then, the girls added a few chocolate chips spots.

While they were baking (12 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit), we read Eric Carle's The Grouchy Ladybug. It has some fun elements of time telling, and size comparison, and explains, very nicely, how helpful ladybugs can be, for ridding leaves of aphids. The girls, and their older siblings, were quite intrigued. Now they want to know more about aphids...

For additional story stretching, arts and crafts, check out this week's stART (story+ART) link up, at A Mommy's Adventures.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


Debbie said...

Those are so cute and look so yummy!

Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

Your colored sugar cookie dough is a wealth of great ideas! Love these. And I can't believe you already have ladybugs! I was actually thinking of purchasing some this year.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I always enjoy looking at your cookies. I am sure I would love even better to actually eat them :) Anna just now warmed up to this book, but she still doesn't like the idea of this silly bug who was looking for the fight.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Natalie - I read the bug really grouchy - so the children thought he was kind of funny - we all have our days when we're just out of sorts, and want to fight the world :)

Christianne - I was thinking the cookie dough is a lot like painted hand prints - it can be turned into just about anything!

Ms. Anita said...

Cute cookies! I *love* the title of your blog! :)

OurHopeIsInTheLord said...

We just got caterpillars on our milkweed today. How cool to see God's creation in action.
The cookies look so cute.

Ticia said...

Okay, so I didn't say anything yet.
When the boys were 2 I read that book so many times I refused to read it anymore. But, it really does have so many great things to do with it. Looks like the cookies are yummy, and I agree making red anything takes insane amounts of dye.
And, no I didn't buy any fungus, I'm not a 'shroom person, and I was a little unsure of the box.

Anne said...

Those are adorable. I wish I would have seen this post before my daughters' ladybug b-day party last year. I made cupcakes which took so much more time!

Anonymous said...

This came out so well! I think you will like the Forever Dress.

sbswtp said...

They came out great!!! And look delicious :)

Amanda said...

What a fun idea! The book looks interesting... I'm going to check it out for sure!

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

I love the ladybug cookies! They look adorable!! What fun-filled day you guys had! :-)

Unknown said...

Those look so stinkin cute, who would have thought they were sooo easy to make! I must make some! Thanks!

Unknown said...

You are ALWAYS so creative in the kitchen! You should link up to "A Little Fun with Me and Lu's" weekly linkie called "Kids in the Kitchen". You do SO MUCH with your kiddos in the kitchen, i am SURE other mothers could benefit from your activities!

This week's linkie can be found here:

Brimful Curiosities said...

My son was afraid of bugs until he saw a "cute" ladybug. Now he wants to keep them all as pets.

We'll be stopping by for one of those cookies if you have any left.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Brimfull of Curiousity - They were all gone in a matter of seconds! But, we almost always have some left over dough, frozen and waiting to be turned into fresh cookies - in case of company :)

Anonymous said...

They are wonderful! I've purchased one of those ladybug habitats to do this summer and this would be a fun go along project. Thanks for the great idea!

maggy, red ted art said...

Oooh, we love stART projects over way too! Isn't this one great!?!?! :-)

Am looking for people to join my "Get Crafty" carnival - this month's theme is Red... your ladybrids woudl be just perfect addition! Would youlike to submit it (by Friday 30th)?

Would post a photo, discription and link back to your site!!!
