- Thank the person who gave you the award. Well of course! Thank you very much Debbie.
- Pass the award on to three other bloggers, who read to their children. I'd like to pass this award on to:
Michelle, at A Mommy's Adventures, who hosts a weekly story and art link up, inspiring other parents to read to their children.
Amy, at Hope is the Word, who hosts Read Aloud Thursday, which invites parents to share the books they are reading to their children (very much like the What My Child Is Reading link up, at Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns, but she already received this award.)
And, Emily, at Arters Family Blog. I was very inspired by a couple of book review/projects she posted recently, as a guest poster on Little Page Turners.
3. List three things your children like to read about. This one was harder for me, because I have six children, all with different likes, dislikes, and interests. After some thought, I'd have to say:
- They all like to read books about children their own ages.
- While they don't mind a little fantasy in the stories, they prefer books that are grounded in reality, and might actually happen.
- And, they like modern stories, that sound like they might be taking place today.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Thank you so very much! I'll have my own award up ASAP! :-)
Congratulations on your award! It's easy to see why your blog is so well-loved. :-)
Thanks Val - that's so sweet!
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