Last week we decided to do a little experimenting with our Elmer's School Glue, to see if we could make our own window clings.

We started by pouring out a few snowflakes on wax paper with the glue.

We left them to dry overnight, and then peeled them off of the paper, and tried them on the window.

We had to wet the backs of them to get them to stick to the window, but once on, they stayed put nicely.

I left them up for a few days, to make sure they would stay in place, and then this morning, decided to see how difficult they would be to take down. Happily, they peel right off the window, only leaving a small smudge of glue behind, which cleans off easily with glass cleaner.

Now that we know how well they work out, I can let the kids go to town, making glue "cling" snowflakes for the windows - I think I see a white Thanksgiving in our future.

It's great to be a homeschooler.
Cool idea!!!
How in the world did you think of this? I love it!
Neato! Couldn't be much easier. Thanks!
Oooh! Didn't they used to sell Elmers with glitter added? Or maybe you could just sprinkle the snowflake before it dries. White or silver would be pretty.
Have you ever tried glitter glue? For those of us that don't have little ones it might help skip a step and save the mess. I think I will try it tonight with my son who is almost 11 and see how he likes it. He's very creative so I'm anxious to see what he comes up with.
Jean - We've sprinkled glitter on top, but I don't think we've tried glitter glue - at least I don't remember doing them that way - maybe today! :)
oh how about a ghost for halloween! Hmmm...I'm also wondering if food coloring could be added for color :)
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