When the older children were younger, and first learning how to read, and recognize the greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols, I drew them as mouths of a hungry crocodiles, or a greedy Pac-Man, ready to gobble the biggest number. But, since we're into to sharks, this week, I went a different way. 

Actually, I had planned to print a couple of sets of sharks for my youngest two.

But, the printer picked today to stop working. So, it was one, hand drawn, contact paper protected shark, with greater than on one side, and less than on the other, that they had to share. But, even so, it went very nicely with a fishy cracker snack/math lesson, that should help them remember how to read the symbols.

It's great to be a homeschooler.
Actually, I had planned to print a couple of sets of sharks for my youngest two.

But, the printer picked today to stop working. So, it was one, hand drawn, contact paper protected shark, with greater than on one side, and less than on the other, that they had to share. But, even so, it went very nicely with a fishy cracker snack/math lesson, that should help them remember how to read the symbols.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Oh I love this idea! Your hand-drawn shark looks pretty good! I wish I would draw---lol.
I've done the crocodile, too, but I love your two-sided shark. Especially with his goldfish snack - fun! :)
I'll have to remember this one. I love it! The goldfish crackers just make it perfect!
I love the animal symbols. We just used to teach the kids that the arrow pointed to the smaller number. I learned lots of methods with the open side as a kid and they never stuck with me. For some reason the arrow made sense.
It's all in how you look at it.
So, so cute. We actually have a few math Whale games, and this would be a nice addition to them. Now, do I think I can draw a whale? Hmmmm...
I really like this idea to bring home the concept of greater and lesser.
I love your sharks!!! Will do this, too, with my son (English is our third language).
That shark looks so awesome. I've been daydreaming in my head of how I want to make our great than less than symbol..... Maybe a monster......
Very neat idea! We also learned the signs with a hungry crocodile. I hope your printer is repaired soon.
Time4learning uses the crocodile in their online lessons. I had never seen it used before but it is a good idea. I like the shark too, I might have to make one for my younger ones.
I will never forget learning greater than and less this way, except we used Pac Man instead of a shark...gotta love to '80's!
Love your visual! I did this with my kids when they were younger but used a toy shark who had his mouth open.
I shared your link on my Toad Haven FB page. Hope you don't mind. :)
Jennifer - Thanks!
Love this! You are so clever. Including it in my "Shared Items" on my blog.
Love your idea with the goldfish crackers! We used the "greater than gator," which helped my kids always remember which way the symbol went. I love that there can be so many great variations of the concept. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/LivingMontessoriNow
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