The older children decided to make their own potato chips for a snack this afternoon. They found the recipe at the PBS For Kids website.
Wipe down a cookie sheet with vegetable oil.

Slice peeled, or unpeeled, potatoes as thinly as possible (sorry the picture is blurry, but it was my oldest's first time wielding a kitchen knife, and I think I might have been shaking a bit as I snapped the shot).

Then, place the slices on the cookie sheet, in a single layer, salt them, and pop them into the oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.

Once they've had a chance to brown a bit, flip the slices over, salt them again, and let them bake for another 20 minutes.

The kids let their father and I have a small sample before they polished them off, and it was -honestly - hard to eat just one!

It's great to be a homeschooler.
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