The older kids had a great time creating the little brains, with gray frosting, on top of mini cupcakes.

The little ones watched the delicate surgery with great anticipation.

In fact, the feeding frenzy that ensued as soon as the last brain was complete, was so quick and thorough, that I didn't even get a chance to snap a picture of the bite sized creations, so this one blurry blowup will have to do.

Of course, if you want to see a crisp, professionally snapped photo, visit the Martha Stewart site. Hers, apparently, lasted a little longer than ours.

It's great to be a homeschooler.
I'd love to hear about your neuroscience week!! We adopted a kitten that followed us home last week. I posted on facebook some pictures of her and a few snapshots of the process of making her a cat scratching post. Your should join facebook. That's about as "bloggy" as I get!!!
Facebook makes my head spin - I have enough trouble remembering to check my email as it is. Glad to hear about the kitten though - our little knitted kittens are as close as we can get - Pops is allergic.
my neurosurgeons would appreciate your brain cupcakes. can't imagine what dr. b would say.
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