We had so much fun making "bear" bread, a couple of weeks ago, I knew we'd have to make this turkey bread, as soon as I saw it on the Wheat Council's site. They give a recipe, and instructions. We just used a normal, white bread, recipe, on the dough setting, in our bread maker, and morphed the instructions slightly. I'll repeat the step-by step here, so I can throw in some pictures, for you visual types.
Start with one loaf's worth of bread dough, made the traditional way, in the bread maker, or thawed from the store.
Divide it in half, and pat one half down on a greased cookie sheet, into a slightly, flat circle.
Divide the other half, into ten equal pieces.
Shape eight of the pieces into tear drop shapes, three to four inches long, and cut them with kitchen shears, or a sharp knife (shears work better), up the sides, to give them a feathery look.
Fan them out, pointy ends up, under the top edge of the circle, for tail feathers.
Combine the two remaining pieces of dough, and pull off three small bits, to turn into a beak, and feet. Flatten what's left of the dough into a bowling pin shape, and place it on top of the circle, to form the turkey's neck, and head.
Pinch one small piece of dough into a beak, and pinch it down into the middle of the head.
Cut small slits in the dough, to the right, and left of the beak.
Insert raisin eyes.
Form the last two scraps of dough into small circles, and snip them two, or three times on the bottom edge, to form feet. Then, place them under the bottom edge of the turkey.
Cover the turkey with a clean towel, and let it rise for about 45 minutes.
Bake for 25 minutes, at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Wheat Council suggests drying it out, on the counter, for a few days, and using it as a Thanksgiving centerpiece. I think, fresh out of the oven, it would be quirky replacement for rolls, on the table. Or, wouldn't it be fun to make small individual turkey rolls, for each Thanksgiving guest?
Hmmm...I've got some work to do.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Individual turkey rolls would be quite a treat for dinner rolls, a lot of work, but something no one would forget.
fun! i will have to try this with my kiddos! we did bear bread too!
I saw something similar here http://nurturingnotes.blogspot.com/2007/11/some-thanksgiving-ideas.html
and plan to make it this year as I'm hosting Thanksgiving for the very first time! (Not individual ones, I'll be too busy trying to figure out how to cook a turkey!)
Phasejumper - Thanks! I'll go check that out.
Turkey's no problem - you'll have lots of time to make rolls :)
oh man I can just imagine how much work that would be for each guest in your family...... But you'd probably have a few willing helpers.
This is great! Thanks!!!
Oh, I do believe I am gonna try this out!
Oh, yes, this would be so lovely on the table at Thanksgiving! Great idea.
I would love to make turkey bread for Thanksgiving, but I'm not sure if I can pull it off. I'll try!!!!
I love bread shapes! We did SO many turkey crafts last year, I've boycotted them this year. :) Maybe I'll bring one of these beauties to Thanksgiving dinner!
That's awesome!
Seriously I need to learn to bake!
You are so creative with coming up with stuff.
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