The challenge is to read the novel, read about the novel, or watch the movie, during the month of August. Even though I minored in literary studies in my college days, I've never read anything by, or about Harper Lee, or seen the movie. So despite the fact my reading plate is very full already this summer, I just couldn't pass this one up.
Sometime during August I hope to read, or at least listen to an audio version of, the novel...

...study through the CliffsNotes (never knock the notes!)...

...and watch the movie.

All participants are suppose to write an introductory post, announcing their intentions, and then return to Hope is the Word, at the end of August, and link up a post about their reading. It sounds great to me. I hope to see some of you there, too.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books.
I never knock Cliff Notes, he's the reason I passed many an English class.
Oh, I'm so glad you're participating, especially since you've never read this wonderful novel or seen the movie! :-)
Cliff's Notes are okay, too. I don't think you'll need them, though. :-)
Its one of my favorite books too - but so-so sad...
If you are going to read anything by Harper Lee, this is it. She never published another book. Does it count if I saw a play in the courthouse featured in the book?! We lived for 2 years near Monroeville, AL, where Harper Lee lives and the setting of the book. Folks still talk about the making of the movie in some of the old store in the square.
Karen - I noticed that, after I wrote this post. I really know nothing about the author, or the book. In fact, when I joined the challenge, I thought Harper Lee was a man! After I realized she was a woman, I rushed back to this post, to make sure I hadn't called her a him :)
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