Staying with our clock them for our stART project (a story + art link up, at
A Mommy's Adventures) today, I read
Bunny Day, Telling Time From Breakfast to Bedtime, by Rick Walton, and Paige Miglio, to my two youngest (ages 5 and 3). The girls loved following the bunnies through their day, which matched very closely to our own schedule. They also enjoyed finding the clocks on each page, and trying to read the hour.

I printed out a clock face, on card stock, from
A to Z Teacher Stuff, for them to cut out (with help), and decorate.

Originally, I had planned to have them draw pictures around the clock to match the times of day, but that turned out to be beyond them. So, they ended up drawing pictures of themselves having fun, around the clock.

When they were done drawing, I added some construction paper hands, with paper fasteners. I'm hoping they'll use their new clocks to keep time along with Bunny Day, and a couple of other time telling stories, I'm saving for later in the day.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
It sounds like a cute story - I will look for it in the library. That would be two stories in a row that I am looking for based on your reviews and activities :) The craft is perfect for this story too.
I'll have to look for that book whenever we work on time. Which I keep saying I'm going to do, but time just escapes from me.... ha ha ha hah ha.
Thanks for the clock link.
What a cute book! I wonder if our library has it? Thanks for sharing it with us!
Is the bunny ever late, like in Alice? Does sound like a fun book when we get ready to learn about telling time.
I am going to have to look for this book too. I am going to get the rest of the supplies this weekend to make Selena a clock so we can start working on time.
What a great book - I will have to keep this in mind when I teach my son how to tell time. Thanks!
Very cool! I love the clock craft!!
This sounds like a great book for teaching telling time. I hadn't heard of it before. Thanks for the suggestions, I will have to file it away. We have quite some time before we're ready for this one.
This looks like a really cute book, I having them draw activities they enjoy doing at each time of the day! Thank you for linking up to stART :0)
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