- 1 piece of felt per pouch (one sheet of felt makes two nice sized wallets)
- embroidery floss (hopefully in a color that does not clash with the felt)
- embroidery needle (a smaller needle would do in a pinch, it might just be harder to thread)
- 1 button per pouch
- scissors

Fold the felt about two thirds of the way up, leaving about a third at the top for the flap of the wallet. Whip stitch/overcast up both folded sides, starting at the bottom fold. Hide the knots at the top and the bottom, inside of the wallet.

When both sides are stitched, sew a button onto the front of the wallet body. Close the flap over the button. Pinch the fabric of the flap that is over the button, and use scissors to cut a small slit for a button hole.
Slip the button through the hole, and the wallet is complete. This took my ten year old about twenty minutes from start to finish. I began with her younger sister, but then realized she's left handed, so I'm going to have to do a little refiguring to demonstrate an overcast stitch in a way that works for her. I guess I'll be practicing my left handed sewing while the kids nap today.
It's great to be a homeschooler!
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