However, all of this was halted, when my husband decided to make a quick trip to Grandma's house to pick up a piano, and agreed to let our oldest daughter tag along.

Okay, let me preface this by telling you, that I have never (underline never) cooked a dandelion before in my life. I'm a pretty average Walmart shopping, Starbucks drinking kind of gal - or at least I would be if there were a Walmart or Starbucks anywhere in the vicinity. I'm married to an average, neighbor association loving, round-up using, meat eating kind of guy. Dandelions have not generally made it to our table except as the occasional centerpiece picked by an enthusiastic toddler.
So, how was it that I found myself at the neighbors a few doors down last night, asking if they'd sprayed their yard, and if they hadn't, would they'd mind if I helped myself to a few of their weeds? It's not a complicated story really.
- I saw a Lewis and Clark botanical display at the museum.
- I mentioned the display to my mother.
- She started to reminisce about the flowers and herbs her mother used to gather - including dandelion greens.
- I looked dandelions up online - and wow! There are a lot of uses for them.
- I noticed the neighbors had a pretty good crop going...
So, there I was, daughters in tow, plucking the little yellow heads from my neighbors lawn. I didn't collect too many, because I'm always a little suspicious new foods. I didn't want to end up with a giant pot of yuck. A small jar of syrup would be good enough for a sampling.
So, I brought home about a hundred flowers (give or take).

I washed them, pulled off all the yellow parts, and put them in a pan with about 1/2 cup of water.

I boiled them for one minute. The children were thrilled to be cooking flowers, but my husband was looking quite concerned.

After one minute of boiling, I removed the pan from the heat, covered it, and left it overnight.

1 comment:
We are going to be making this too! Good to know it isn't nasty!! I just love learning about herbs and all the medicinal properties that we're missing out on!! lol
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