Not only are the boxes covered in terrific "paper" dolls, and accessories, just waiting to be cut out, and played with...
...but the light weight, foil wrappers, are perfect for racing across the floor. Just cut them into squares, with different pictures on each, so you can tell them apart.
Add a masking tape finish line.
Give each participant a straw, and a foil square.
And, let the races begin! Really, the straws, and finish line are completely optional.
I know we used to buy toys for the children - but I can't remember why.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Great ideas! I think we'll do the straw race this afternoon.
Why buy toys when boxes and pop tart wrappers work so much better!
Yes, Selena's box is still in tact on it's last leg though.
I think that these activities totally legitimizes the purchasing of Pop Tarts for breakfast...
I wish daughter had a built-in playmate. Your girls seem to have so much fun together. Great idea with those races.
Wonder Mom - My thoughts exactly!
What fun!! I agree with Wonder Mom -- now I can rationalize the purchase of Pop Tarts. Hee hee! ;-)
and that rationalizes buying the name brand, rather than the cheaper store brand.
Ticia - I'd say taste is enough reason not to buy the store brand toaster pastries. Not that I, myself, ever eat any of those dreadful things, either way! ;)
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