Thursday, May 20, 2010

Poky Little Pupppy, Paper Finger Puppet Craft

We checked out Janette Sebring Lowrey's The Poky Little Puppy, this week, after we making our cookie dogs. The children loved it, though I have to admit, now as an adult, I'm a tiny bit confused over the moral message of the story. Still the puppies are cute, and the story lends itself nicely to creative play. So, for our stART (story + ART) project today, we made five little puppy, finger puppets.
I cut all the pieces out of construction paper, and paper bags, copying some felt puppets, I found for sale, here. And, the girls glued them together.

E, age 5, was able to handle the glue on her own, even if she was a bit over generous with it, a few times.

For C, age 3, I put the glue on for her, and she placed on the paper arms, ears, nose, and google eyes.

I drew on the final touches with a marker, except for the eye spots, which E colored on, before she glued on the eyes. Then, all that was left, was to wait for them to dry (or at least partially dry), before playing with them.

After, the girls had played with their puppets for a while, we realized that sticking their fingers in, and out of the paper, was making it move in such a way, as to pop the eyes off. We solved the problem, by sticking the puppy puppets onto craft sticks, instead of fingers, and we were back in business.

For more story stretching arts, and crafts, check out this week's stART link up, at A Mommy's Adventures.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


Brimful Curiosities said...

I remember liking that book as a child as well. Cute puppy puppets!

Anonymous said...

Love it love it! Have been thinking about finger puppets for a while and yours turned out too cute!! (nice than the ones that you got inspiration from!) and love the lollipop idea!!

Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

Adorable! I've never read the book, can you believe it?

Ticia said...

I love that as a popsicle stick puppet. They turned out super cute!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Cute puppies. I remember reading this book in the bookstore to Anna and having the same mixed reaction to the story, but it's still a nice story.

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

LOVE the puppets!! We own that book, and it used to belong to Mark when he was a kid. It was one of his favorites! said...

This is great...I will add it to our day next week...cookies and puppets...just great. Besides any book with the name Janette is going to be great...LOL
Thanks for the precious idea,

Debbie said...

I love the kid's finger puppets. I haven't read that book since my kids were young, I can hardly remember the story.

Anonymous said...

The puppets came out so well! What fun!

Unknown said...

I LOVED that book as a kid! Also, my middle child has "Pokey Puppy" as an affectionate nick name, since it takes her twice as long to get a task done than it does the others...