I received the Versatile Blogger Award from Phyllis at All Things Beautiful, and from Jolly Green Mommy a couple of weeks ago. I hope you'll take a minute, and check out their very fine blogs.
The conditions for accepting the award?
- Thank the person/people who gave it to you. Yes, of course, thank you, thank you, thank you!
- Tell 7 things yourself.
- Pass the award on to 15 bloggers, who you have recently discovered, and think are fantastic.
- My father died when I was 9, and that event has had a major impact on who I am today.
- I graduated from a small private high school, which not only did not allow dancing, or movies, but also had a six inch rule for boys, and girls (you weren't to be closer than six inches to the opposite sex - and yes, they checked it with a ruler!).
- I'm really looking forward to turning 40 this year. So far, each decade has been better than the last.
- Douglas Adams is my favorite satirist, I'm especially fond of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, though I generally don't recommend him, because he borders, too often, on sacrilege, but his humor is very sharp.
- I'm one of those silly, middle-brained people, who can't decide if they like math or literature better.
- My favorite Jolly Rancher, or Laffy Taffy flavor is green apple.
- I wear my hair in a bun, because early in our marriage, my husband and I agreed, I wouldn't cut my hair short, if he wouldn't shave off his beard - and I really like his beard.
Dagmar's Momsense - She posted a picture of her son in front of a fortune teller machine (like from Big) recently, with a caption, that made me chuckle.
Moonstruck Mommy - You absolutely have to read her post entitled, "Um... Who WOULDN'T Want a Koala??"
Hallee The Homemaker - Who suggests three chores you should do every morning before your first sip of coffee, and I couldn't agree more (except I'd add a fourth - throw a load of laundry in).
Joy of Desserts - Need I say more?
Wholesome Womanhood - Written by three sisters, with the fresh perspective of young adults.
Minivans Are Hot - Almost (almost), made me wish I had watched Lost.
Sunny Day Today Mama - If her beautiful photos don't make you want to spend more time outside, then nothing will.
Clay In His Hands - Made a trip to Walmart, and the grocery store with her three daughters, ages 2 and under, and still had the energy left to post about the experience!
Stacy's Random Thoughts - Because, I'm always happy to meet other people who also went to small, private, high schools, were dancing was forbidden, and proms were unheard of.
Not So Ordinary Girls - Just started a new tradition of Ice Cream For Dinner, to celebrate the end of the school year/beginning of summer - what fun!
Stacy Says - Has a fantastic, "Friday Films" feature, I've really been enjoying.
Into the Wind - Had a nice post recently, that made me look for the positives during these dreary, gray, spring days.
Many Little Blessings - A homeschool mom of three, with a wealth of household tips.
Jodilightful! - Find out what happens when you put homemade laundry soap (you know the stuff), in a front loader machine.
For the Love of Naps - From whom I got the idea to cut pancakes for children quickly, by using a pizza cutter - brilliant!
It's great to be a (mommy-blogging) homeschooler.
Awww congrats!!!!
Thank you so much!
My friends who went to small private Christian schools had banquets instead of proms.
I went to a somewhat small private Christian college, that didn't allow dancing.
Ticia - Yes! We had a Christmas Banquet, that was the big formal event of the year.
Thanks for the award. They are so fun to recieve. I will admit though that I havne't given them out or followed through when I have recieved them. Maybe I will have to get with the program and follow the rules on this one! Glad the pizza cutter trick was helpful...You will find that it works for many things now!
Congrats on your award! It's easy to see why your blog is so well-loved. :-)
Thanks for the award! I appreciate it. :) I enjoyed reading the 7 things about you too. Makes me feel like I know a little about you...7 things to be exact. :) Happy Memorial Day!
Thank you so much for the award! :-)
I think each decade has been better, too.
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