Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Penguin Counters

G, went to work painting penguin counters, for her younger sisters, yesterday, modeled after some outrageously, cute ones we saw over at First Grader...At Last. They made theirs with black, glass, vase weights, but we didn't have any on hand, so we opted to use a left over bag of wood knobs/doll heads.

She gave them a base layer of black, tempera paint. Then returned, when that dried, to add details in white, with the final touches of black, and orange going on last.

She had some trouble painting triangular beaks, so opted for little noses instead, making them look slightly less penguin like, but still pretty cute, I think.

I'm sure C (age 4), is going to have a great time using them today, to practice counting by 10's.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


bwjules1 said...

The penguin counters are just so cute! Since you like First Grade At Last perhaps you might like



An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Thanks Julie, I'll check it out!

Christy Killoran said...

Absolutely adorable!

Unknown said...

Your daughter did an AMAZING job on those Penguins- SERIOUSLY ADORABLE!!!

Debbie said...

These are so cute!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

This is so totally cute - and how neat that G works so devotedly on the projects for her sisters.

Phyllis said...

I think they very much look like penguins. They are so cute. (I see your talent has been passed down to your daughter.) I am sure they will be well loved.

Amy said...

These are adorable :)
You could also do alphabets on them... such a great idea. TFS!

Ticia said...

Those look so cute. I bet those get lots of use.

Anonymous said...

These are so cute. I love the numbers and counting by tens.