After a little bit of web surfing, I was pretty sure making a homemade variety was a project we could handle. We sort of morphed together all of the different recipes we could find (special thanks to A Magical Childhood, and Easy Fun School), and relied on trial and error for the rest.
First off, we set some of the seedy stuff out in the solar oven. You can make actual solar driers, that would probably be better for this sort of thing, but we hadn't had a chance to use our cardboard box oven in a while, and it was a beautiful sunny day, so we figured we'd take a chance. We poured the syrup onto some buttered tinfoil, on top of a black pan, covered it with a glass bowl, and set it in the oven.

Then we turned our attention to

We poured a second batch of slightly less thick syrup, into two pans. One pan was buttered, and one pan was covered in a layer of buttered tinfoil. We placed both pans in the oven, at 200 degrees Fahrenheit, for a couple of hours. It was almost too long. The edges of the fruit leather were just beginning to get brittle.

We let the pans cool for a couple of hours, before transferring the leather, from the pans, to pieces of wax paper. This turned out to be quite a bit easier with the tinfoil covered pan.

The process was pretty much identical for the solar baked fruit leather, except we let it bake the entire afternoon, and it turned out just about right.

As to the jelly - it should make a nice literary tie in to Russell and Lillian Hoban's Bread and Jam For Frances story, at breakfast time (and maybe at lunch, and dinner too).
It's great to be a homeschooler!
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