I think, when we're back into spring weather, and I've had time to gather more cardboard, I'd like to make a couple of sets, for the children to race with, too. In the meantime, I decided to use an old, used up, piece of poster board, to make an indoor set, that can double as a template for cutting the heavier cardboard pieces, later.
The poster board started its life as packing material, but since the Man of the House brought it home from work, it has served as an indoor picnic spot, Lego battle ground, and dance floor. It's certainly seen better days, but I thought maybe, we could get one more project out of it.
My original thinking was, that we would recreate the shapes from Tompert's story. They are illustrated, with the lines drawn between the shapes, to make copying them easier.
But, we discovered, the larger size made putting together the silhouette shapes, we'd had some trouble with, from our cereal box, yesterday, much easier. None of us had been able to make this sand shark, with our smaller tangram pieces.
With the larger pieces, the shapes fell right into place. It's amazing the difference a change of perspective can make.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
I love it!!!
(What a clean carpet you have, too!)
That is a fun idea
Ha! I just read Annette's comment and I remember saying the same exact thing to you in the past.
Very cool supersized tangrams!! I will definitely try that at some point. C loves tangrams.
This is recycling at its best - I like the idea of supersized tangram pieces a lot.
Looks fun! What an interesting idea to do it huge like that.
(I wrote my comment in super-sized print 'cause the Tangrams are so big...) :0)
I MUST do this.
Thanks for all the great activities you share! I think your blog is fabulous! I gave you an award at http://livingmontessorinow.com/2011/01/27/your-blog-is-fabulous-award-to-happily-pass-on/
Love this idea!!!
What a great way of getting the mileage out of one large piece of poster board!
We tried big tangrams but after seeing yours, I realize we didn't go big enough!
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