Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Fun Day 28 - Rock People in a Sidewalk Chalk Kingdom

In addition to the window markers we used for the window word find, C also received a 48 ct box of Crayola sidewalk chalk on her birthday.  It's not my all time favorite chalk - the colors come off on the children's hands more than I would like - but the extra colors have been inspiring.

When I sent C, and a couple of friends out to draw yesterday, for instance, with the suggestion they draw a town, and use rocks for people, I was thinking of something simple, along the lines of the girls' paper doll place.  But, when I checked on them, I found them busy in a colorful kingdom...

...complete with a queen... her castle, watching over her subjects as they enjoyed a country fair...

...with a Ferris wheel...

...swings in a park...

...and a purple haired pop star...

...tuning up for the crowd.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


Unknown said...

Based on this post, your kiddos will enjoy this little surprise I am sending them...hee! Hee! It should come to y'all sometime this week... :0)

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

So much creativity can be released when children play together and so few props needed. I love their kingdom!

Cassi said...

Just wonderful!! It *is* great to be a homeschooler!

JM said...

so fun! you have creative kids:)

Ticia said...

I think that could be a good spring or fall activity here. We'd bake doing that now.....