For Watcha Making Wednesday (a weekly link-up hosted by The Ramblings and Adventures of a S.A.H.M.) I checked out Lars Klinting's Bruno the Baker...

...more recently published as Harvey the Baker, part of the "Handy Harvey" series, in which the one time Bruno, turned Harvey, teaches children how to make a tool box, sew an apron, plant beans, paint a cupboard, and in this case - bake a cake.

I really couldn't be more pleased. The illustrations are adorable, the story is sweet, and the recipe, for a simple yellow cake is child friendly.
The girls enjoyed following along with Bruno, cracking eggs...
...using the electric mixer...
...stirring in ingredients...
...spooning the batter into a cake pan...
...and their favorite part - cleaning up the kitchen, while their cake baked (don't you love that age?).
They were having so much fun, I even let them frost the cake with our favorite chocolate peanut butter frosting, rather than simply sprinkling it with powdered sugar as suggested in the recipe.
Our thanks to the author for an enjoyable story, a delightful afternoon, and a delicious dessert!
It's great to be a homeschooler.
They are adorable. The cake looks and sounds yummy. My kids never went through the "like to clean" stage.
Awesome! Your girls are becoming kitchen wizards quickly and making a great team. I have to look for this book!
LOL Love the photo with the little girl plugging her ears from the electric mixer! I've got one that does that here! Cute!
Thank you for this wonderful review! There's a Russian version of the book in which the character is called Castor. I've been thinking about buying one of the books for my son (since I only read in Russian to him) and your post is very helpful.
I'll have to check out this book, and YES I love that age!!!
What a great project!!! The pictures are awesome :-) Thank you so much for linking to Whatcha Making Wednesdays! Have a great week :-)
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