It's being billed as a "super" full moon, because the moon will be closer to the earth, than it has been in 18 years. And we're told, that will make it appear bigger and brighter, than normal, especially if you can catch it at moon rise, or set, when it is near to the horizon, and has the whole moon illusion effect added to it.
We actually got a pretty good view last night, and since you never know what the weather will do, we took advantage of it, and pulled out the spotting scope, to get a quick look, and then the first few of our moon themed books, like The Magic School Bus Takes a Moonwalk.
You really can't go wrong with The Magic School Bus. This is an easy reader, so very simple, but still manages to pack in some interesting, scientific (if occasionally big bangish) facts.

Rise the Moon by Eileen Spinelli, is a dreamy, rhyming, ode to life under the moon. From moths, to night bakers, sailors to coyotes, campers to astronomers, or just a young mother rocking her baby to sleep...everyone is caught up in the beauty of the moonlight, making this gentle poem of a story, a perfect bedtime read.

As is Linda Smith's When Moon Fell Down, the playful story of what happens one night when the moon falls down to earth, and decides to join his friend, the cow, in painting the town, he normally only gets to see from above.

...only instead of the regular little cookies, we'll make one, big, pizza pan sized cookie. I'll let you know how that turns out, with the second part of our super moon story time.
Or, you can click back to check out an Oreo moon phase snacktivity we did last June...
...or the moon crater pudding, from July.
Either way, be sure to take a look at what other families are reading, and recommending, over at the "What My Child is Reading" link-up, at Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
I love your Oreo moon phase snacktivity! That looks like something my husband would enjoy doing with the kids!
We had a beautiful view of the moon last night, as well.
These look like some fun moon-themed it!
And, I agree about "The Magic School Bus" can't go wrong :)
I'm thinking I read one recently where the cow steals the moon or something. I can't remember it exactly, but all of those look wonderful.
We enjoyed the Moon Might Be Milk. I know that this morning out walking the moon was bright enough through the thin clouds, that I actually had a shadow as I walked along. It will be interesting to see what tonight holds.
C did the Oreo moon activity in school and he talked about it for the longest time. I should do it at home.
We enjoyed The Moon Might be Milk. The cookies were good too. I look forward to seeing your super cookie.
We'll be keeping an eye for the Supermoon too. Great list of moon books!
Oh, thank you so much for the moon info- I guess I know how we are going to spend out evening tonight...
We didn't get to see the Moon - it has been raining practically non-stop here for the past few days. I am contemplating moon crater snack as a science activity for the next week.
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