The salt dough nests were finally dry enough to paint, this afternoon.
And, since not everyone had made a nest, I tossed out some large pom-poms, craft feathers, google eyes, craft foam, and glue, in case any of the rest were feeling crafty.
There were a few takers. Really, who can resist a large pom-pom with googly eyes?
I had to help C (age 4) with the pipe cleaner feet...
...but other than that, they were able to put them together on their own, which is always fun. They won't be "to play with" toys, as we only used school glue, but I think they'll look very cute, on the children's shelves, or window sills.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Feeling like spring? Those are cute.
Very colorful!
Googly eyes are a necessity! You can make anything cute with a little googly eyes and glue! ha ha This is a cute idea-thanks for sharing.
cute, super cute. My kids would love this. Maybe I'll set them on some pom poms.
I wondered what species of bird lived in a salt dough nest... :0)
Those are absolutely adorable!
Extreme cuteness the nest turned out great! love the feathers on the birds.
I love it! Hmmmm...maybe I will make those large pom pom birds with my story hour kids. Cute!
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