We found a fun math/coloring activity, for counting, and number recognition, at Making Learning Fun (click here, to go to the printable worksheet). C rolled a die, and counted the number of dots on the side, that landed up.
Then, she colored the matching, numbered bat, or part of the bat cave.
It was pretty simple, but fun.
There is a harder version, which goes to twelve, and requires two dice. And, it's really meant to be played as a competitive game, where each child has their own set of dice, and the first to complete their sheet, wins. But, for a four year old, this was complicated enough.
Math Wire, also has a number of bat themed, math activities, for a wide age range, that look quite intriguing.
Or, if you simply want the math, without all the bats, check out this week's Math Monday link-up, at Joyful Learner.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
I like having these sorts of resources on hand. Fun and ready to go.
I am definitely going to check out the bat math link. Thanks!
It's like the roll a snowman game I remember playing when I was teaching, similar concept.
I have to remember this and try it, as I know Selena would be able to do it. I love the concept behind it.
THANK YOU for listing all these resources- we will be looking into bats as Halloween approaches, and you have, AGAIN, planned my lessons out for me! :0)
What a cute idea - I bet my daughter would enjoy this game!
Thanks for the link. I'm planning a bat theme for October, so it is perfect timing! I am posting this week my telling time theme day inspired by your pudding post. I am icluding a link to your site.
I wonder if Anna might be a bit more motivated to color if it was presented as a game. Thanks for the links, I'll check them out.
I love how you did all the Halloween themed activities early! That way, we can all do them too! Thanks for the wonderful ideas!
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