Thursday, September 23, 2010

Owl Cookies - A Family, Fall Tradition

Another fall, and another batch of owl cookies down (click here, for directions).

Despite my last few posts centering in on food, we do more than eat in the fall. In fact, tonight I'm busy putting together a fall "bucket list" of sorts. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to tell you about that, tomorrow. But meanwhile, our fall festivities continue...

It's great to be a homeschooler.


Deborah said...

Really cute!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I am curious to see your fall bucket! Those owl cookie look very yummy.

Ticia said...

I've heard of this thing called fall, and I'm sure others states have it, but I"m not feeling it.

But, I can tell it's thinking about coming, our weather has gone down to low 90s, high 80s.

Anonymous said...

Those cookies are beyond cute! I can't wait to see your fall bucket. We've put something of the sorts together as well. I love family traditions and finding new ones to try.

Christy Killoran said...

I thought about putting together a fall bucket list too. I look forward to reading yours.

I will be making these cookies. SO Cute!!!!!

Unknown said...

Cute idea! We make Aut"YUM" leaves at our house!! And YES ~ I love HOMESCHOOLING, too!!

Unknown said...

Here's a link from a post I did a couple of years ago on them! Hope you enjoy!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute. What a great family tradition.

Debbie said...

I think we jumped quickly past fall, Oh wait, I think we missed summer and had fall then, now we are wet, damp and cold. Love your cookies.

Brimful Curiosities said...

Those owl cookies look like a hoot to make.

Marcee said...

Love the new profile pic!

polwig said...

These owl cookies are so cute, I never had much luck with the ice cookies in different colors, not that skilled. I bet they can become a grandma or grandpa on their day.

Annette W. said...

Those are definitely very cool cookies!

Jackie Higgins said...

Adorable! We are going to owl story time next week at the library. I'm going to make these as our special treat when we get home. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

This was selected as one of my great posts of the week.