We found the idea for this craft in Sharon Dunn Umnik's
175 Easy-to-Do Everyday Crafts. Hers was actually a twirly monkey, but basically the same idea. This was one of two crafts we found interesting in the book, so I guess we'd give it a lukewarm recommendation, except that we really did like this craft.
First, I drew out three different sized circles on card stock. My five year old cut hers out, while I helped her younger sister.

They colored in half of the biggest circles (for pants), and drew faces on the medium sized circles. The smallest circles were cut in half, and glued on sides of the faces, for ears. Finally, I stapled on pipe cleaners, cut in half for arms, and in fourths for legs, secured with tape.
Then, we wrapped their "hands" around a straw (a smooth pencil, or wood dowel would work too)...

...and gave them a twirl.

It's great to be a homeschooler.
Oh man, Batman would love this!
We are going to have to make this, Selena would just love it. Maybe we can later today.
Crafts are more fun when they have moving parts...looks like fun!
FUN! (And I am so glad you gave an honest book review so I won't waste any valuable space on my library card!)
This is so simple and so neat. It also finally gave me an answer to the question in my head about how to secure pipecleaners to anything at all. And - thanks again for your guest post, I think my readers really enjoyed it.
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