The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch is the story of Elizabeth, a princess who seems to have it all. She's beautiful, well dressed, lives in a castle, and is about to marry handsome Prince Ronald. But that's when a dragon swoops in, and changes everything - everything except for Elizabeth, and Ronald, that is.
The dragon burns up the castle and all of Elizabeth's clothing, and takes Ronald away as a captive. Elizabeth rushes to Ronald's rescue wearing a paper bag, the only thing she can find to wear that hasn't been burned up. She out-smarts the dragon and saves the day only to find that Ronald cares more about how she looks than what she has done.
I Googled Robert Munsch, and found that he is an American born, Canadian author. So you can decide for yourself what exactly Elizabeth means when she says to Ronald, "Your clothes are really pretty, and your hair is very neat. You look like a real prince, but you are a bum." Whichever meaning of bum you choose, needless to say, the engagement is off.
My older girls were disappointed with the stories ending. And, while I like the message, I'm not sure I approve of the language. But, the little ones were quite taken with the paper bag dress, and decided to make their own.
I cut square neck holes in the bottom of the bags for them, and round holes in the sides. Then, because our bags proved a little short, they glued on some paper strips, cut from another bag, as a fringe around the bottom before they colored them with markers.

And, just so there would be no confusion on the part of dragon, or prince, we added a couple of paper bag crowns (not that we're all about appearances, or anything).

For more story stretching arts, and crafts check out this week's stART (story + ART) link-up, at A Mommy's Adventures.

It's great to be a homeschooler.

I Googled Robert Munsch, and found that he is an American born, Canadian author. So you can decide for yourself what exactly Elizabeth means when she says to Ronald, "Your clothes are really pretty, and your hair is very neat. You look like a real prince, but you are a bum." Whichever meaning of bum you choose, needless to say, the engagement is off.
My older girls were disappointed with the stories ending. And, while I like the message, I'm not sure I approve of the language. But, the little ones were quite taken with the paper bag dress, and decided to make their own.
I cut square neck holes in the bottom of the bags for them, and round holes in the sides. Then, because our bags proved a little short, they glued on some paper strips, cut from another bag, as a fringe around the bottom before they colored them with markers.
And, just so there would be no confusion on the part of dragon, or prince, we added a couple of paper bag crowns (not that we're all about appearances, or anything).
For more story stretching arts, and crafts check out this week's stART (story + ART) link-up, at A Mommy's Adventures.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
My daughter was disappointed with the ending of this book too. I liked the message, but thought it could have been presented better without being so sassy and fresh. My daughter is all about happily ever after and Disney so she liked the book, but didn't love the end.
Anyway, I love your paper bag outfits! SO CUTE!
your princesses look adorabe! what a great lesson the book contains!
shame i live in the uk, where we do NOT have paper bags - not that big anyway!!!!!
Happy sigh, Robert Munsch has so many cool books. I think on his website you can get sound of him reading his books.
Love the outfits, and it's so cute!
I love their dresses! M would love a dress like that, I'm sure. I'm not sure, however, if she'd like the book, although she'd probably laugh at her calling him a bum. Not sure I'm crazy about that either!
I haven't read that book before, but I just love the paper bag dresses that your girls made! Too cute!
Must say, as an adult, I find this book HILARIOUS! (But I can see why it would need to be used "with caution" with the kiddos...)
Your craft, however, is WONDERFUL for any kiddo!
We haven't read this particular princess story yet either. Now I'm intrigued by your description. Paper bags are hard to come by around here, too but they are so handy for crafts! Your princesses are quite beautiful, by the way.
As a mom of boys, I doubt they would tead the book but I did like the paper dresses your daughters made. It gave me an idea on how we can use the craft for our unit studies on Africa. Thank you for sharing.
I'm a mom of six too! How great to find another mother of a big bunch of kids =)
Love their princess dresses and crowns! I don't think I like the ending much either LOL! But, I guess there is some morals to it.
Now that is a cute idea! They did a great job with the dresses
Cute paper bag dresses. I haven't read that book. It sounds interesting. I will have to read it through before I read it to my little one. : )
What beautiful princesses! I love this book.
I love the dresses, but think I will put that book on hold for a much later date. We don't come by many paper sacks these days, I would love to do activities like this with Selena.
What fun! What a great way to re-enact the book! :D Your daughters are absolutely adorable!
Oh, I had forgotten about that book. I don't remember the story so I will have to reread it. Cute princesses!
How cute! R. Munsch has the stories behind his stories on his website. He does give the background of the language, "bum". I like most of his stories!
Have you read Princess Bubble? That is my favorite!
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