And, the mystery in this case, was weak. It was almost an afterthought in the book, staying just present enough to join in the action of the story from time to time. Even the conclusion was somewhat humdrum, no great thrill, or excitement. The killer was confronted in a crowded room, by the amateur sleuth, while the police waited patiently, nearby, to step forward, and apprehend him/her at the right time.
Really, A Deadly Yarn, is a story about...yarn, and knitting, and a love of Colorado. It's a friendship story. And, from that respect, it works.
At the back of the book, there are a few recipes, this time for spicy southwestern food, which I haven't been able to eat since the birth of my second child. So, sadly, even though they sounded tasty, I didn't try any of them. And, while there are a couple of knitting patterns, too, I'm finding that even though I'm making progress with Knitting for Dummies, Kelly Flynn, the stories heroine, is progressing at a much faster pace.
Kelly has the constant help of her circle of friends at the local yarn shop though, many of whom are master knitters, and or spinners. We have a yarn shop in town, and I'd be tempted to seek out help there, but it's one of those shops that has a sign warning unattended children will be given an espresso, and a free puppy. The espresso doesn't bother me, but what would I do with six puppies?
It's great to be a homeschooler.
shops like that are dangerous. I've convinced my kids not to move in my sewing shops, usually.......
There was that one time in an herbalist shop........
Send me the recipes, I'll give 'em a try.
You mean you wouldn't want 6 puppies? I don't blame you one bit!
Hello lovely lady!!
I got something for you on my blog!!
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