I thought the girls' "D" dinosaurs turned out so well, I decided we should make a cookie version, using green colored, sugar cookie dough, too.
They weren't difficult to make, but they were a little more labor intensive than the paper versions, mainly because cookie dough is harder to cut than paper. We used a "D" shaped cookie cutter, but you could just as easily free-form cut "D" shapes.
The middle of the D's became heads, and we cut a few extra, to slice into pie piece triangles, for spikes. Then, we cut thin rectangles for legs, necks, and tails out of the scraps of rolled out dough.
We pieced them together on the cookie sheet, and finished each one off with a chocolate chip eye.
My oldest was sweet enough to point out, that they were kind of a strange hodgepodge of parts, and didn't really look like any particular dinosaur. Which, I thought, was the perfect lead into our snack-time story.

We found Kathleen V. Kudlinski's entertaining look at the changing beliefs, and teachings about dinosaurs over time, from a recommendation from Monkey See, Monkey Do. It's a very informative, and entertaining book, and a great one to read before heading off to the museum. It is written from a secular perspective, so it still contains the usual, millions, and millions of years, and theories of species killing asteroids, and such. But, it's refreshing to read a children's science/picture book about dinosaurs, that admits all the facts are not yet in.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
These looks great!! And yummy! :)
Those are the CUTEST cookies ever! Great job!
OF COURSE you had to make cookies... :0)
love it, I might have to look that book up, we're potentially circling back to dinosaurs in a little bit.
We made dinosaur cookies too, back at Halloween. Ours weren't as cute.
These are so cute! And I bet they were yummy too!
Wonder Mom - Whatever do you mean? ;)
Those are the cutest dino cookies I've seen!! THanks for stopping by!!! Blessings!
Those are adorable. What a great idea!
Oh! These are the cutest little cookie dinos... certainly worth the effort. Thanks for sharing the idea!
What a fun day!
Those are so cute! I imagine they did take some time to put together, but I'm sure the kids had fun. I'd have a hard time eating such art. Hehehe....p
I love the Dinosaur cookies.
What a cute/great/yummy lesson!!!!
Oh these are darling!! Love this idea, I may have to do this craft with my boys!
that looks so fun!!
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