I've sung the praises of the animated series, dealing with the Revolutionary War, before. But, this is the first time we've had opportunity to watch all 40 episodes in the correct order. If you've never heard of the series, you can find out all about it on their website - here.
All of my children watch the episodes, though I think it's probably most educational for those 7 and up. They all find it entertaining.
I don't know about you, but I perceive a day of pajamas, popcorn, and the Revolutionary War in our future.
It's great to be a homeschooler!
AWESOME! Thanks for the heads up!
I've been trying to convince Michael about Netflix. I may just show him this and see if this won't sway him a bit!
I bought the DVDs a few years ago from Amazon and used them this year to supplement our American history. It was amazing how much the kids learned about the major players and events - and in such a fun way! I think this was Walter Cronkite's last voice-over role, too.
Oh, this is great news! We borrowed the first DVD from Netflix and my girls loved it. Yay! :)
I've never heard of this series - something I'll keep in mind for a few years down the road. Thanks for sharing the tip!
I love this series and I love Netflix. I added this series last week to our instant Que.
I like the idea of pajama day but we had that yesterday; including me!
It is awesome to be a homeschooler!
My kids would so be all over that, I vaguely remember those from when I was younger. We're on the verge of joining Netflix. Probably will starting next school year.
We do have Netflix, and I've been wanting to do something with my oldest and her Felicity doll. This will be a great introduction before we take a little daytrip to Colonial Williamsburg. Thanks!
Thanks for mentioning that!! It will help us break some of our current tv habits!
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