The theme for this week's Feed Me Books Friday at The Adventure of Motherhood, is "Books You Can Sing". And, I just had to jump in with our favorite - Somewhere in the Ocean by Jennifer Ward (sung to the tune of "Down in the Meadow").

Ward actually has a whole series of these books, and they are wonderful. They're counting books from 1 to 10, contain simple science, have wonderfully detailed, brightly colored illustrations, with a number hidden on each page - and I get to sing them to the children! Never mind that I can't sing - the children don't know that yet, and so are always an appreciative audience.

Don't know the tune for "Down in the Meadow"? Don't worry, a musical score is included at the back of the book. And, if you can't read music, these are still great books to read to your children.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
We love to sing in our house- I need to check these out...
Oh, the Over the Garden book looks like something that would be popular at our house. Thanks for the recommendations!
Sweet! Thanks for sharing! I knew there had to be more out there! I'm glad I could entertain your little ones:)
Praise God for Books, Music and Children!
Great tip - I've seen these books on someone's blog, and now I definitely want to check them out. At least I kind of know Down By the Meadow because it's on Raffi CD that we listen to non-stop :)
hi, I found you through the jolly green mommy I have the Jennifer ward ocean and artic had no idea she had desert or garden but I am going to amazon to order right now. IF you have time come over to see my pre-k ideas
Wow, sounds like a perfect recipe for a great book! My kids unfortunately know that I can't sing, although that doesn't stop me from torturing them every now and again. My 21-month-old, grabs me by the cheeks when I start singing something, looks me in the eyes and says very seriously "no no no no no". :)
We love these books by Jennifer Ward! We've also enjoyed singing her book There Was a Coyote Who Swallowed a Flea! Another singing book favorite is On Top of Spaghetti by Paul Brett Johnson.
This looks like a fantastic series. I'm excited to get a hold of a copy of Somewhere in the Ocean.
And I just spent a bit of time scrolling through posts. What a fun blog you have! I'm subscribing :)
They look cute. I'm trying to remember if I know that tune.
I've seen a couple of these books before, but haven't read them. I didn't realize you could SING with them! I'll put them on our library list!
These look like a lot of fun! My little scientists will sure appreciate them! Thanks!
Another set of singing books we have never read. Wonder if the library has these?
Thanks for sharing this book! I tried to see if our library has it, but the only copy they had was lost in 2005! Yikes!
Wow. I have never seen these books, but my kids would love them. We have recently found a fun "Down in the Meadow" book that they enjoy and I know they would love these variations. Thank you!
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