We still had some glitter glue left after C (age 5) finished with her Strawberry Shortcake ornament. Clearly, another craft was in order.
This time, I decided we'd add a touch of the tropical rain forest to our tree, with an ornament craft from the back of World Book's Christmas in Brazil.
I copied a template for a tropical bird, right from the back of the book. If you want to make a tinsel tail bird ornament too, but don't have access to the book, you could probably copy just about any tropical bird from a coloring sheet, then repeat it, so you have two identical birds, backwards from each other, tail to tail.
The girls colored the birds in bright, tropical colors...
...and then added a layer of glitter on top. .
C informed her sister, that it would take a long time for the glitter to dry. I guess she noticed the drying time for her strawberry ornament, more than I thought
Once the glue was dry, I cut the birds out for the girls...
...and helped them to fold, and glue them in half, back sides together. Then, we punched holes in the tails, and backs of the birds, tying tinsel to the tail...
...and a ribbon for hanging, on the back.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
I have never thought about Christmas in Brazil before. Do they have ornaments like that there?
Phyllis - The book wasn't really clear if the ornament was something they make in Brazil, or just to remind you of the tropical nature of Christmas there. My children were interested to learn that children put out their shoes to be filled with goodies in Brazil on Christmas Eve. We do that too, though more because I'm too lazy to hang stockings, than for any real reason.
I love the tinsel tail!
How interesting that your kids put their shoes out to be filled. I love to hear about traditions that other people have.
Cute activity :-)
I tried as a kid to get us to do shoes as well as stockings. Mainly because I had a nice wooden shoe from Holland my Dad had gotten on a business trip.
I love the tropical bird.
It's a very pretty ornament! We do the shoe on Dec 6 to celebrate Nicholaus Day in Germany. Anna is one lucky girl who gets to celebrate everything - German traditions, Jewish traditions, Russian traditions and American customs :)
We do shoes for St. Nicholas day, and stockings on Christmas day.
Everyone I know from Brazil has never heard of this "tradition". My wife is from Brazil and we have several friends from various regions. Please tell me the source of the information about this ornament.
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