Stone went all out finding interesting phrases, or events connecting to the holiday for each letter of the alphabet - including X. Really, that alone might have been enough to have won my esteem, but there is so much more to the story. From Pilgrim dress to Sarah Hale and Abraham Lincoln, there are enough facts and details to interest and educate the entire family.
Not to mention the fact, that it went perfectly with a craft idea I'd been wanting to try out with the girls since seeing The PolkaDotLady's applique turkey alphabet on Etsy (through pinterest, of course).
To start out with, I gave the girls each a set of turkey letters, beaks, snoods, eyes and feet cut from construction, and scrapbook paper.
First, the girls sorted their letters out, to spell "turkey" on top of two sheets of construction paper glued together to make one long piece, using the title of the book to check their spelling.
Then, they glued legs on the backs of the letters, before flipping them over and gluing them down to their papers.
Finally, they went to town gluing on eyes...
...and beaks, and snoods.
E (age 6) tried pretty hard to arrange the pieces in a way that suggested turkeys. C (age 5) on the other hand, decided to make alien turkeys. Either way, there were a lot of giggles, and stories being told, as the strange birds appeared.
For more story stretching arts and crafts for children, check out this week's stART (story + ART) link-up hosted by A Mommy's Adventures.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Thanks for sharing this! I just requested the book from our library, and I hope to fit in some turkey letters this month :)
I saw that book and was wondering if it was worth getting. I'll have to see if it's at the library.
Like that book too! Turkey letters are way too cute.
This is very fun! On Monday, Nov 7th I'll be having a linky for favorite Thanksgiving books. It'd be great to have this post linked there!
Katey - I'll try to remember :)
I will have to check for this book. Probably won't get it until after Thanksgiving, but can always put it on our list for next year. I love their Turkey banner.
Those turkey letters are just adorable! I will have to see if we can find a copy of this book to read, it looks fun.
Hi! I just recently found your AWESOME website! I look forward to using many of your project ideas both with my own children and those who attend my library storyhour! I have a weird question for you, though. How and where do you store all the wonderful creations you guys (and gals) come up with? My house is currently being overrun with sculptures, creations, artwork and the like.... and my kids frown upon filing things in the circular file, if you get what I mean! LOL.... so, any advice would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks! stampwithme123 (at) juno (dot) com
I often toss things when the children aren't looking - after I pull off any pieces we might be able to use again. But, I also keep a box to place special artwork in, making sure the child's name and date are on it - that I sort through at the end of the year. At that time, it's easier to see what kind of pictures I have a lot of, and weed it down to one or two of each style, as a sampling of their work for the year.
I love those alien turkeys! Gotta look for this book.
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