I noticed the folks at What's In The Bible are now offering free printables of their popsicle stick theaters - sooo much easier than screen printing them from the online videos!

So, I was wondering if one of you might like this copy? I can't say enough good things about the series. It's a terrific way for children to have fun, and learn about the Bible at the same time.
If you live in the United States, and don't have a copy of this DVD, but would like one for your children, then leave a comment on this post, sometime this week, with an email where I can reach you. I'll draw one name from the comments next Friday (March 4, 2011), to receive this extra copy.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Yes, we would like this!
OK, first of all, it is SO COOL that they responded to your craft suggestion in such a wonderful way!
Secondly, as I have explored the site myself (based upon your recommendations) I think that we are going to be using this series for part of our Bible curriculum next year.
And, if I just happen to win your give away, I won't need to purchase the first DVD... :0)
hi there, I would love the copy. I am an unschooler and DVDs are great learning tools specially the ones that teach about the Bible in a fun way. :) I have been sick this week and good DVDs and good websites were my life savers. :) thanks for the give away.
I would love to win this. As a Mom to 4 kids, we can never pour enough Christian based material into their lives & we have never seen this DVD series. Thanks for the chance to win!
We will also be printing out the popsicle stick theater pieces as well.
bamagv at aol dot com
Oh that would be soooo cool! Yes, I'm in Australia, but I have a US postal address. :D
That is great customer service!
It sounds like a great series.
Have been wanting to check these out after reading your posts! How much better to win it!
baxtermania at comcast dot net
Extremely kind of you! Yes, put my name in the pot! ;)
I would love to win this for my kids! Hearing my almost three year old tell me she wants to "watch Jesus" never gets old!
Okay, this is my first comment. I just discovered your blog a week or so ago and I'm addicted! lol. I've been enjoying all your daily posts and have been reading back through your archives in my spare time. Thank you!
PS...Would love to win the DVD!
This looks awesome! We would love to win this.
Never heard of this before but just went and watched the video and really enjoyed it. Would love to win a copy but might have to get one for our church library as well. Thanks!
I have been eying those DVDs since I first heard of them on your blog. (I look into a lot of things following your blog!)
I would love a copy :)
Thanks for the giveaway! We love good Bible videos!
grovesabk AT comcast DoT net
New follower to your blog and LOVE it!! I am a new HS mommy and your blog has been an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your life, love and ideas with the rest of us. Please enter us for the drawing too - what fun!!
candjwarchol@ yahoo.com
Wow... this is awesome! Thanks so much for this opportunity. cara (at) caradaniel (dot) com
I would love this for my boys (and my older friends who enjoy the 3-2-1 Penguins series)!
We would love this!
How wonderful that they liked your craft suggestion.
We have watched this one and the next one and really enjoy them, but have yet to buy one. Thanks for the great giveaway. My girls would really like this!
thegood3 at gmail dot com
This would be a great fit for our three kids! Thanks for such a great blog!
Ok, I'm giving in and entering because then I can give this copy to my sister-in-law and she won't have to borrow mine.
I would love to pass this around to our Sunday School families!
Love it! This would be perfect as I'm preparing for next year's homeschooling!!
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