To make matters worse, the recipe at the back of the book is for tea cakes - girlie to say the least! But, I reminded T, that it was Mother's Day weekend, and so girlie food was okay.
The recipe was pretty simple. I let him try it by himself. It apparently is a kid friendly recipe, because he (aged 12) managed it alone. I only helped him with rolling out the dough, and showed him what it meant when it said to use a wide mouth jar to cut circles.
Helping T roll out, and cut the dough, prompted me to share some stories of "how things used to be", just like Auntee Edna did as she helped her niece. One of the things I shared with T, was how I learned to roll out dough in Home Ec. class in high school. That reminded me, that in school, our baking projects weren't done until the dishes were clean, counters wiped, and floor swept.
It was one "old fashioned" idea, he thought we could leave in the past.
He did a great job cleaning though, and sugar cookies, or not, the "tea cakes" made for a pretty tasty pre-Mother's Day treat. And, even better, just as the story promised, an evening of baking, telling stories, and spending time together, drove the boredom completely away.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Those "tea cakes" look wonderful! Such a sweet effort on his part. Sounds like a great book!
sugar cookies yummmm.......
Did I tell you that I'm reading another of the Tea Shop Murders?
Tea and cookies...sounds like you and Ticia need to have a "Tea Party"...you bring the cookies, she'll bring the tea, and I will be there for the entertainment... ;0)
Wonder Mom - That would be a pretty long drive for a tea party, but it sounds like fun!
Those look so yummy! Stopping by to wish you a happy Mother's Day! :-)
You really know how to keep your son profitably busy :) The tea cakes look yummy - I want to bake something for my England week, but haven't decided yet what and when :) I hope you had a great Mother's Day
Best cookies ever! My daughter, who is now 21, borrowed this book from the library ages ago, and we made the cookies together. I always make them for gatherings, Christmas cookies, company, any excuse. The house smells vanilla-wonderful. This recipe is a treasure!
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