...the bottom of the laundry basket!
My laundry's done, people! There's not even a stray sock left to match up...
...and nothing waiting in the hamper to be washed.
This sort of thing only happens in my house once, or maybe twice, in a decade. It is a monumental occasion. And, of course, it will all be undone tonight, when the children fill the hamper to the brim again, but for now they're down for a nap, and I have a lovely mystery waiting...

...so, if you'll excuse me, I'm off for some guilt free self-indulgence - okay, not totally guilt free, there's still the thick layer of dust engulfing the house, but did I mention - the laundry's done?
It's great to be a homechooler.
Hooray! I have to keep myself on a strict schedule of a load of laundry daily or it piles up here as well. I am not kidding it is one load of laundry daily! Then I have to remember to fold it and put it away. There is always something isn't there?
I AM SO JEALOUS! Really, you should SEE the couch OVERFLOWING with clothes to be folded...
(Hmmm, should I now get off my rear and go fold some? NAAAAH!)
Yours all fit in your laundry basket? Right now mine is in my laundry basket and then a repurposed trash can..... It's scaring me.
Wow - I can imagine how rare that is! It's bad enough with just one child!
Woo-Hoo!! Isn't it a glorious feeling.
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