The Cranberry, chocolate chip muffins above, look kind of cute, in a folksy, Valentine's Day morning, breakfast sort of way - don't they?
I've been cleaning out my pantry lately, and was trying to come up with a good use for one lonely can of jellied cranberry sauce, leftover from Thanksgiving. It's such a pretty red color, that it seemed a natural for Valentine's Day, and since the children usually have chocolate chip muffins for breakfast, I decided to see if I could combine the two.
I wondered, as I was doing it, if I should have let the muffins bake part way before topping them with the hearts.
Apparently, the answer was yes.
Oh well, happy Valentine's Day anyway.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
But, you experimented, and now know how to make these for the next time you have leftover cranberry sauce...
Plus, I'm sure they still tasted yummy!
Wow those are great! And they sound yummy : ) Great job!
Yum, I think I'd gain 10 pounds living in your house.
Oh, and I forgot to say my in-laws solution to the soda storage when they lived in Wisconsin was to keep sodas outside in the garage, kept it cold, but not in the fridge. But, that's before it's opened.
Great idea!
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