- 2 tablespoons softened butter, or margarine
- 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 3 cups powdered sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 3/4 cup instant powdered milk (some recipes call for dry milk instead, which is something entirely different - we used instant powdered milk).
- 1/2 cup light corn syrup
Knead the dough until it is firm and smooth.

Roll it into a rope.

Wrap the rope in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for about an hour.

Remove the rope from the plastic wrap, and cut into smaller sections.

Or, just shape each individual section by hand, after kneading.

Even the little ones were able to help with this step. The dough was very play dough like. In fact, if your thinking about making chocolate play dough - this would be an excellent recipe.

My husband, and the children, thought these were pretty close to the real thing. They certainly are yummy, and do taste similar to Tootsie Rolls. But, they are a little too soft. There's something about the texture that reminds me of the Ayds diet candies, my parents tried to keep hidden on the top shelf in the kitchen back in the 70's. Of course, those were pretty yummy too.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Oooh! I used to LOVE Tootsie Rolls. They were a penny. =) I'll have to try this sometime, I'll be linking as well.
This seems like an awesome recipe! I shall definitely try them. i especially love the idea of chocolate playdough and the wonderful possibilities of shaping that gives! Bravo!
Thanks for sharing your ideas and recipes. I need some advice ... Like u suggest I plan to give the dough as party favors ( make what u like to eat) but wanted to know how early can I prepare it and sotre .. does it have to be refrigerated ... shelf life.. THanks again...
I wrapped the dough we didn't use, and kept it in the fridge, it kept for a couple of weeks. It's so quick to whip up though, I think I would make it as close to the party as possible. The candies the kids make are okay to keep out - we had our candy on the counter, under plastic wrap for the couple of days it took the kids to eat it, and it was fine that way, too. Hope that helps :)
Thank-you so much. Will surely tell you how it turned out.
this looks amazing! i just found your recipe via oneprettything.com and can't wait to try it! thanks!
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