Thursday, July 29, 2010

Toilet Paper Roll Stethoscopes

We learned from Paul Showers' Hear Your Heart, a "Stage 2 Let's-Read-And-Find-Out About" book, that an empty toilet paper roll makes a pretty good stethoscope.

Of course, my youngest two, thought they needed to decorate the tubes. I suggested covering them in tissue paper. C, wanted purple, but settled for overlapping the red, and blue we had in the cupboard (which sort of gives you purple).

I had them brush on watered down glue, and then stick tissue paper squares to the tubes.

They had a great time brushing on the glue. In fact, it may be several days, before their stethoscopes are dry enough to use.

Be sure to check out the other story stretching arts and craft, at this week's stART (story + ART) link-up, at A Mommy's Adventures.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


Annette W. said...

Sometimes it's fun to improvise least for the grownups! I hope they dry soon!

Brimful Curiosities said...

Maybe my kids would be more receptive of doctor visits if the stethoscopes looked like that.

Ticia said...

Our projects often take several days to dry as well.

maggy, red ted art said...

Hurray! Another fabulous Loo Roll craft. We love loo rolls over our way and make lots of things out of them!



Christy Killoran said...

You may notice that in most of my pictures of crafts made by my children the crafts are dripping with glue! I don't even have the patience to wait for them to dry before photographing and blogging about them! Actually, I am afraid of what might happen to them while they are drying (child, dog, husband, who knows!).

I like the stethoscopes!

Kelly said...

Such a neat idea!

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

What a simple and great idea!! I love how they decorated them! :-)

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

This is fun! I admit though that I was never able to hear a heartbeat through this paper tube stethoscope. I wonder if I am hard of hearing or if it's because Anna cannot stop talking when I do that :)

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Raising a Happy Child - Maybe you're not getting it in quite the right spot - it was quite loud for us.

Anonymous said...

They came out so well. What a great way to reuse the rolls.

Charlene Juliani said...

Nathan LOVES glue too LOL! Cute, now I have to try it myself to see if it works haha!

Unknown said...

Never would have thought of using a toilet paper tube in such a medicinal manner...