It is not that all the experiments in it are useless, or that the writing is poor, or illustrations lacking. But, the experiments are not necessarily simple. In fact, many of them are downright fussy.
We tried, and failed at making their jumbo bubbles with straws, and a string...
...and burning a string in two with concentrated sunlight.
We did manage to succeed with getting a paper ring to move toward a burst of air, but I was not sure about the scientific exclamation offered by the authors. According to the book, blowing in front of the loop, creates an area of low pressure, that the loop will move toward. I'm pretty sure our loop only moved, when some of the burst of air hit the top of the loop, ever so slightly. But, the kids were impressed.
Oh, and we totally failed at making a flute out of a straw - I didn't even bother with a picture of that one.
All in all, as I said, it was disappointing. Some of the experiments we didn't try, I know from past experience, will work, but they are quite common, like the egg in the bottle trick, or cutting a piece of paper with one cut, making a loop you can walk through. But, even many of the ones we've done before, I would not put into a book called "Simple Science Experiments". However, true to the title, they do all call for everyday materials, so that part of the title is accurate.
There are just too many really excellent , well organized, science experiment books for children out there though, to waste time, and energy on one that is not a total hit. So, I'd pass on this one.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Thank you for the review. That will be a book we will steer clear of, and look at some of the other interesting books you have used!
Don't you hate when things you're looking forward to don't work out?
I have both of those books and whilst we haven't used them alot, compared to our other science experiment books I'd have to agree with you.
Great review; very thorough. I hate it when books let me down.
Interesting. I will definitely go back to your book recommendations when I am ready to do more "structured science" here.
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