The only problem was our pennies, usually dug hastily from the bottom of my purse amid the chorus of pleading children, were quite tarnished. I decided we would have to clean them, before turning them into a bracelet - that's where the science came in.
The grimy tarnish on pennies is actually a layer of copper oxide. It's what you get w
hen copper, the outer layer of a penny, combines with the oxygen, from the air around it. To remove the copper oxide, we needed to turn it into something water soluble, so we could wash it away, and expose the fresh shiny copper underneath. We used ketchup, which contains vinegar, an acetic acid. Acetic acid combines with the copper oxide, to form copper acetate, which dissolves in water (it helps if you use your very best Ben Stein, science teacher voice, to explain that to your children).

It's great to be a homeschooler.
We will have to try this!! Awesome ideas you have. Thanks for working out all the kinks for me:-) You're WONDERWOMAN!! :-)
WOW!That's so cool
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