It's time to remove the empty advent calendars... up the ornaments and decorations for next year...
...haul away the tree...
...and stash the nativity figures in a place of easy access for Easter, when we'll need them again. I tucked ours into a drawer in the living room, except for baby Jesus, who went missing after the younger girls decided to have a Nativity scavenger hunt. We'll continue to seek Him in the days to come - which has a nice symbolic ring to it, I think.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Look at you so on top of things. I thought earlier that I should have taken our tree down, I guess I didn't have enough energy but to think it.
Debbie - About Christmas Day the tree starting dropping needles - it was time for it to go!
I am taking the ornaments off the tree today, but everything else has been put away. Our tree has been dropping needles for days now!
Im impressed at your organization! I am not lookong forward to the mess ill have when i get back home.
I certainly hope your jokes were far better then the ones in our crackers! Not to mention the crowns, this year's crowns were too big even for the adults without a little help! lol
Here, in England, decorations seem to go up much later and are traditionally not taken down until either the 12th day of Christmas or close to this. I usually manage to take ours down before 6th January but usually not until the New Year.
Wow, you are fast! We keep the tree until Orthodox Christmas on January 7, but it's a fake tree that doesn't give us any trouble :)
My two boys love having the tree up for as long as possible. We even put it outside on the deck until it becomes too dry to look at. What is the rush???
Ha! Nice picture of big "D"!! Happy New Year!!! Do you guys need a puppy, have ONE left!!!
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