Our crafting energy today, went into tracing...
...cutting, coloring...
...and gluing beaks, and bits, with all six children (bribed with candy corn) working assembly line style...
...to make the 24 turkeys we'll need for our turkey tree - a Thanksgiving countdown tradition, we started last year. Admittedly, T (age 13), worked mostly in a supervisory capacity. But, for a while, all six children were cutting, coloring, or gluing, together at the table.
I'm not sure if slaving together over paper turkeys will turn out to be a fond family memory, or not - but it's time together, I don't think we'll easily forget, and for that, I am thankful already.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Here is what I want to write on one of your Thankful Turkeys:
I am SO THANKFUL to have a Blogger Buddy like you!
I saw your fall tree a few weeks ago and my 4 year old and I did it together only ours was an alphabet tree. I had planned on changing the leaves next week to "grateful" leaves. Now, I see what you have done and think it is awesome. We will be making our tree into a turkey-grateful tree now. I will link your site if I post a pic. or anything. I am new to this so still trying to figure it out. Thank you for the idea. Your site is awesome!
We also copied you last year and had a thankful tree. We also did a "Christmas tree" using the same tree. This year the boys want to make a real paper Christmas tree and put prayer requests and praises on it. Using cut out ornaments. Sammy said, "They're alot EASIER to cut out, MOM!"
oh, and I made your candy corn cut out cookies today. We'll be giving them to football team mates and coaches tomorrow. thanks for the idea.
Marcee - Glad to keep you hopping! When are you going to start blogging, so I can copy all your ideas? :)
Very nice! I think they will remember it fondly and insist that their own children make thankful turkeys someday!
Wow! I love the tree idea. Will see if I can borrow this idea for our home. Thank you for sharing this.
What a great idea! I'm going to do something similar now for November - though I'm not "brave" enough to attempt to make that many turkey handprints (I'd need a set for 4 different children and myself - 90 if I only do weekdays!). I'm going to get a small turkey notepad or two or calendar cut-outs and then have each child (and myself) write and post one thankful turkey a day on a tree we'll put up on my front door. Thanks for the idea!
Tina - Oh ya! We only put up one turkey each day - so the kids take turns. Even so, it was a lot of turkeys - turkey shaped post-it notes would be brilliant!
Wonder Mom - Thanks!
Bsblog - Link away - and thanks :)
I can't believe I missed the fall tree idea from Sept. or else I would have borrowed the idea! I love the thankful tree idea too!
Thats wonderful !!! Love it .
(fun food ideas for kids )
I like the idea of a Thankful turkey tree.
Now, to decide are my kids ready to do that....... Their cutting skills certainly aren't.
I am loving the Turkey Tree. I am going to borrow your idea for our own home. I told my husband just the other day that I would like us to make at least as big a deal of Thanksgiving as we do Christmas. This project will help with that plan! Thanks!
Well, it's only 4 turkeys per child :) That's when I wish I had such a big family but preferably as a sibling, not as a parent :) I love your fall traditions!
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