And besides, it wasn't just any old peach pie. It was the special pie, that A (age 10) made together with her grandmother.
The children looked a little puzzled as they watched me dipping it up.
"Really?" they asked. "We're really having pie for breakfast?"
"How 'bout some pumpkin pie for breakfast, and some Digimon juice,
Pokemon cereal, with marshmallow Pikachus?
How 'bout some pumpkin pie for breakfast, and some Power Ranger punch,
Obi-Wan Kenobi Fritos in your Darth Maul lunch?
How 'bout some pumpkin pie for breakfast?"
By the time the song ended, everyone was eating happily, except for G, who didn't want pie, unless she could have ice cream with it, and D, who likes routine, and was disturbed at the lack of muffins on the table.
In other words, we were back to normal.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Excellent solution for the morning mopes...and I think it's an even healthier option than Pop Tarts, 'cause it contains "real" fruit...
Oh, that's funny! My favorite part was the last sentence..."In other words...we're back to normal."
Our reality is one of unmotivated recovery. I really need to clean. BUT. Not right now.
Wonder Mom - You mean you don't think they put real strawberries in the the strawberry Pop Tarts? There goes my mother of the year award! :)
I would go for a piece of pie for breakfast anytime. It is hard to see grandparents leave.
I have a routine child too - that would be C, and he can be difficult when his routine is disrupted!
I would LOVE pie for breakfast, and I think homemade pie is definitely healthier than pop tarts.
That sounds like a fun song.
I love your back to normal statement too!
The grandparents all live close to us, but my sister is nine hours away - the kids miss her terribly and always have a hard time when she leaves or when we leave her.
It reminds me of the Bill Cosby-Himself DVD in which he gets in trouble with his wife for feeding the kids chocolate cake for breakfast.
You saw our waffle sundaes for breakfast, didn't you?
You are such a fun mom. I don't think we ever had anything sweet for breakfast unless you count pancakes with maple syrup.
We always do cake for breakfast after birthday parties. But, now I'm thinking we might add pie into that routine when we have pie.....
Back to normal - Good to hear. It also reminds me that I have been meaning to make a peach and biscuit type cobbler concoction for breakfast, but have been forgetting. My boys will be thankful to you today! And surely they are using real strawberries in poptarts! ;0
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