The younger girls helped me mix up another batch of salt dough, this weekend (4 cups of flour, 1 1/2 cups of salt, 2 cups of water, and 1 tablespoon of oil)..
. form into a roundish stone, and a cave around an empty can, with a slit, in the dough, at the back, to fit a popsicle stick cross...
...for our second year of a tradition we picked up from Little Page Turners, last Easter - a resurrection scene.
We baked our dough tomb, and stone for a few hours at 250 degrees Fahrenheit, and then let it cool for a while before adding the cross, and Little People from our Nativity set (which I remembered to leave out, when I packed up the Christmas decorations, this year).
The girls still want to paint it all, but I went ahead and set it out for our Bible reading of Matthew 27:45-28:19, this morning. After I read the passage (which you can read by clicking the link), we talked again about how the characters from the Nativity scene fit into the resurrection scene, both from the bit we read in Matthew, and what can be found in the other parts of the Bible.
Jesus - though not a baby any longer, is clearly part of the story. And, just like the baby was wrapped and laid in the manger, Jesus' body was wrapped and laid in the tomb.
An Angel - announced Jesus' birth, and an angel rolled back the stone, and announced, "He is not here, He's risen, just as He said."
Mary - was present all through both stories.
Frankincense and Mirr - were brought by the wise men after Jesus was born, and spices were brought by the women, after Jesus was buried, to anoint the body.
And, Judas, instead of bringing gold as a gift, took a bribe of silver to betray Jesus.
Don't forget to check out the Bible Alive! Tuesday link-up over at The Fantastic Five, this week, for even more Bible themed fun for children.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
This is very nice. I like how it turned out and I like how you connected it to the Nativity story.
This is great!
I agree with Phyllis! This is fantastic.
I have heard of some of these connections before, (between the Nativity and the Resurrection), but not all of them.
I NEED to do this with my kiddos...EXCELLENT lesson, as usual... :0)
What a great lesson!
What a great Easter idea!
What a truly beautiful and meaningful craft! Wonderful!
I love this idea and would really like to do it for our home ed group! Question about the dough, is it like a playdough mix?? ALso with the batch you made was that enough for just the one cave??
Please email me if possible, you always have such wonderful projects for your children and i would really appreciate it!
SMiles SHarnee :)
Since my 4 yr old woke way too early for a Sunday morning, we decided to make some salt dough and our own tomb based on yours. She loved it. While she played with the rest of the dough I read her a children's version of the story from the Garden of Gethsemane through Sunday morning and Christ appearing to Mary. It was a perfect start to our Easter celebrations. Better than baskets of candy brought by an Easter bunny! Thanks for the idea.
And another great post that I missed. I'm so glad you mentioned this in your post today. What a great tie back to the Nativity.
Love the connection to the nativity!
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