Just like for the turkey, I cut felt circles around a large coffee mug for the body of the bean bag, and then sized the rest of the pieces around those.
I used tacky glue to hold the pieces in place...
...and then secured them with a few stitches of embroidery floss...
...before sewing the front and back together securely together, going over the stitches twice, and leaving a hole to be stitched up...
...once the little guy was stuffed with dried beans...
...and all prepared for a rousing round of pass the pilgrim.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Too cute!!
Love it - he looks so cute!
ne kadar şeker olmuşlar!
They are adorable. It would be fun to fill one with dried corn! Oh, what fun games you guys are going to enjoy with them.
I had just gone through my things saved from last year and seen your bean bag guys from there, and now these guys! Adorable!
Very Cute!
I think he looks like a pilgrim :) but the leprechaun comment made me laugh out loud! haha. I confess that I have never made my son a bean bag. It's absurd really, and I've wanted to. I'm able to. I just haven't. I'm going to pin this and hope that it's cuteness spurs me to make one of some kind. I think your blog posts are my most shared. Thanks for posting!
I want to let you know that you inspired me to finally make my son a bean bag game! Thanks so much :) I've blogged about it, and linked back to you. Here's the link if you'd like to visit!
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