Sunday, November 1, 2015

Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll Turkeys

Well, October is gone, and it's time for the turkeys.

We started off today with a breakfast of turkey shaped pumpkin cinnamon rolls.

They were made using our pumpkin cinnamon roll bread machine recipe, and shaped as follows...

...with walnut feet...

...chocolate chip eyes...

...and dried cranberry snoods...

The two rolls need to be pinched together well to keep the feathers and head from spreading out.  We didn't pinch all of ours hard enough, and ended up with a few rolls that looked more like sad Sonics than triumphant turkeys. 

The nice thing about sculpting in sweet dough though, is even the mistakes are delicious.


  1. Mmmmm, sure looks delicious to me.

  2. Pumpkin, cinnamon, and turkeys? You certainly know how to celebrate fall :D

  3. These are fabulous! I really need to try making gluten free cinnamon rolls, because they are one of my favorite foods.

  4. Just popped by to say hi and say that I miss you! I hope all is well xx

  5. Claire - Thanks :) I've just returned from 2 weeks in Oregon, there for the funeral of my step-father. Now I'm scrambling to get my thoughts in order and ducks in a row before I return to posting - should be around to all my blogger buddies again soon though!

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your step father :(
    I hope all your ducks settle into line quickly and obediently!

  7. I just might have to make these for Thanksgiving breakfast.

