Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Gingerbread Turkeys

I had such good intentions of filling November with turkey themed thankfulness for my youngest two, but a family funeral (more on that later) called me out of town for a couple of weeks.

I returned home just in time for the first real snow of the year, and hit the ground running with gingerbread men (no story reference intended).  It's our tradition to celebrate the first, big, sticking snow of the season by decorating a batch of gingerbread men together, and I was truly thankful to be home in time to take part in the tradition.

While the cookie boys and girls were baking in the oven, I decided to try and recoup a little of November too, and get things back on the turkey track by cutting the left-over dough into gingerbread turkeys - or rather, gingerbread flowers (we don't actually have a turkey cookie cutter)...

...which could be trimmed...


...and frosted...

...into gingerbread turkeys...

...all ready to be enjoyed with steaming cups of hot chocolate on a snowy, November afternoon.


  1. Mmmmm..... now I want to attempt to make gingerbread something.

  2. How adorable. I am sorry for your loss.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. I'm sorry for your loss, also. That was clever, using a flower shaped cookie cutter to make turkeys. They look too cute to eat.

  4. Very clever! I am so sorry about your stepfather, but glad he is finally free of Alzheimer's.

  5. I would never see a turkey in a flower cookie cutter. You are so creative.

